Friday, October 7, 2011

On the Events of May '68

On the Events of May '68
Everyday life, suddenly rediscovered, became the center of all possible conquests. People who had always worked in the now-occupied offices declared that they could no longer live as before, not even a little better than before. It was obvious in the dawning revolution that from then on there could be no more renunciations, only tactical retreats. When the Odeon was occupied the administrative director withdrew to the back of the stage. After the initial surprise he took a few steps forwards and cried out: "Now that you've taken it, keep it, never give it back, burn it first!" And the fact that the Odeon, momentarily in the hands of its cultural galley slaves, did not burn, only shows that we have just tasted the first fruits.
Capitalized time stopped. Without any trains, metro, cars, or work the strikers recaptured the time so sadly lost in factories, on motorways, in front of the T.V. People strolled, dreamed, learned how to live. Desires began to become, little by little, reality. For the first time youth really existed.

Rene Vienet, Enrages and situationists in the Occupations Movement

Thursday, June 23, 2011

This is a War of Vision and Meaning

These days Abbey and I are unpacking all our ideas and projections to set our goals straight. In the spirit of this moment I’ll cut the shit and tell you what I think;

We are going to become a creative powerhouse with the weight to change the collective sphere. Every time we volunteer to step into the psychedelic world we put ourselves in direct contact with a lost dimension of synesthesia, flow and creative freedom. Becoming aware through exposure unleashes our potential to elevate vibrationally. And with enough drugs we can change the world with new meaning. Meaning is the voice of power and the voice of consent by which the masses collect.

This is a war of vision and meaning.
We’ve come to hell and back to strip the world naked of its content to find Truth in the objectable meaning of context sewn between the lines. It’s high time to get ourselves into fighting shape and treat all the stagnant creative energy that hold us back from realizing our vision. We are at the right place / At the right time to come fully into ourselves and to mean what we say. We are at the right place to become the legends we were meant to be in all their stoic grace.

So cowboy the fuck up and come fight this war with us.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Eating Raw

Over the past few months, I know that I have personally been experiencing a very complicated relationship with the food that I eat. It's prompted a pretty far-reaching analysis of practically my whole life seen through the food I've eaten, and the resulting shifts in body constitution and weight gain/loss. Through this examination, I've been trying to figure out what I can do to help my body become it's healthiest, and to enable me to have the physical ability and energy to carry on with my life in a positive, productive manner.

The reflection starts as such: Over the past several years, I've been through a few variations in diet and eating patterns. The first major shift I experienced was early on in high school, when I made the choice to become vegetarian. Then there was the brief period of time in college, where I spent several months trying out a vegan diet, and then slowly shifted back into ovo-lacto vegetarianism. There I remained for a few years longer, until recently, maybe about six months ago I started to become a pescatarian.

Overall, looking back on it, it's about eight years of these permutations. Yet despite my somewhat 'long term' commitment to this way of eating, I've found myself still feeling dissatisfied with the bodily results. (I don't mean to sound like I regret my choice in any way, however - there have been countless other benefits of vegetarianism, my choices were never made solely on a health-related basis, and I still stand strong with my choices.) Throughout these years, I've felt my weight dip up and down- I've had friends alternately urge me to eat more/less of this that and the other, worried that I was somehow off the mark of health. Yet throughout it all, even when I have been at an 'optimal weight' and a place of 'sound nutrition,' I find myself wondering if I've ever felt truly "healthy".

In addition, since adolescence, I've suffered from a depleted immune system, due to a rapid succession of illness following a bad bout with Lyme disease. Adding into the mix a hereditary predisposition to anxiety and depression, it certainly starts to appear to be a lot to be up against. Yet despite these odds, I still maintain the belief that proper nutrition could help remedy all these ailments.

Then comes along the disadvantages of eating food in general, and all the terrible ups and down that come from ingesting and digesting, which has many times for me proved to be debilitating. I recall having to drop a class once because it was scheduled right after lunch, and I'd suffer from such a food-induced coma that I wasn't able to pay attention in class. I've tried all sorts of variations, yet even with pursuing a schedule of well-spaced, smaller meals, I still experienced negative effects from the burdens of digestion. Even with this sort of diet and snacking throughout the day, I was inching closer to a phase of almost constantly being in a state of eating. My appetite was insatiable.

This disproportionate appetite has plagued me since childhood. I have distinct memories of comparing the size of my packed lunches with those of classmates and being surprised by my hunger. This never ending issue has been plaguing me for years. It's inconvenient to always be hungry. It becomes disruptive and panic creating. Even though I've lately been able to control it better, the bottom line is the fact that I'm fed up.

So here I am, at 23, hoping to pursue a new radical dietary shift, one which I have a lot of hope for and I am hoping will help reset my body to a more stable food intake mode. I hope that by pursuing a raw diet, I will able to restore my energy levels and finally feel healthy and balanced and stable. Camilo is on board as well, so together we will try to transition to a raw diet, and I aim to document my transition, for my own benefit and hopefully for that of others.